Victor Sustainable lawn care turns your yard into a resilient and healthy green paradise that is safe for you and environment. We use equipment run on renewable energy – solar-powered electricity – and treat our lawns with organic, chemical-free fertilizers, making them safe to enjoy immediately – no little signs warning you to stay off the lawn.
Here at Clean Air Lawn Care, our sustainable lawn care practices begin in the soil and extend all the way to our mowing methods. But how do we keep our commitment to sustainable lawn maintenance?
For starters, by ditching gas mowers and their noisy, carbon-emitting exhausts in favor of electric equipment that is powered entirely on renewable energy. To help ourselves out, we even invented some technology of our own along the way: like the system of solar panels mounted atop our work trucks which keep our electric equipment charged during the day.
Conventional lawn care is not sustainable lawn care; it is dirty, loud and resource intensive. Small gas-powered engines found on conventional lawn equipment contribute 5-10% of the nation’s air pollution.
According to the EPA, in 1 hour, 1 gas lawn mower: pollutes the same as 40 late model cars, emits the same amount of hydrocarbons (precursors to ground-level ozone) as a SUV driven 23,600 miles, and contribute 93 times more smog-forming emissions that 2006 cars.